1.9 The Choice


Where had the time gone? Tain wondered as he prepared for the triplets birthday surprise he had planned. The scientists had been unusually quiet since their botched attempt to frighten him into giving them complete autonomy over Jackson’s care. Regardless of how much money they had spread around they couldn’t cover up the fact they had callously poisoned a defenseless eleven year old child. It didn’t sit well on a human scale. They lost a lot of support and the had pulled back almost completely.

Tain wasn’t complaining. It was time he put to good use teaching Jackson what he needed to know about his condition. It was only a matter of time before the scientists made another attempt. He hoped to be ready for it next time. It wasn’t if it came but when it came.

“I told you I’m fine,” Tain heard the irritated voice of his son as he came into the house.

“No you’re not,” Twyla countered.

“We saw you fall,” Kayla added.


“Yeah I fell,” Jackson retorted back “I have a couple of skinned knees not a broken leg.”

“We need to make sure,” Kayla insisted “what if it becomes infected.”

“You don’t want to get sick, do you?” Twyla added.

He looked from one girl to the other “I am not sick. Quit treating me like I am.” He turned and ran up the stairs. He could feel their eyes following him all the way up. He slammed his door shut as he turned his stereo on full blast. Was it too much to ask for his family to treat him like he was normal? He knew he wasn’t but he hated to have it thrown in his face all the time.

A short while later his dad knocked on the door as he entered the room. Jackson stared at the man waiting for him to speak. He made no move to apologize or turn down his music. He didn’t want to be inspected for injuries by his dad any more than he wanted his sisters to do it. He watched his dad move to the stereo and turn it off. The sudden silence was deafening. Jackson scowled at him before growling “what?”


Shrugging “the girls are concerned….”

“I’m fine” he growled reaching to turn his music on again.

Tain moved to stand in front of the stereo blocking his son. “Where’s the remote?” he asked.

“It’s here somewhere” Jackson waved a hand around the room.

“You might find it if you ever cleaned your room,” Tain pointed out earning himself a scowl from his son.


“What is it gang up on Jackson day?”

“What’s with the attitude?” Tain asked his son. Jackson stared sullenly back at him. Sighing he broke eye contact first. He understood where the attitude was coming from. Didn’t blame him for it either. He often wondered why he didn’t act out more. Coming to a decision he turned to leave “you’ll tell me if you’re not ok?”

“Yeah dad I will” Jackson crossed his arms “I’m fine really. The girls are making it worse then it is…”

“They worry….”

“I know” Jackson conceded “I fell from my skateboard.”


Relieved Tain nodded “so it wasn’t a dizzy spell or anything?”

“I’d tell you if it were. I was attempting a new trick. That’s it. Nothing special or out of the ordinary.”

Nodding Tain opened the door “meet me in the garage when your homework is done.”
Jackson rolled his eyes the only outward display he allowed himself to show of his dislike of the lab his dad had built in the garage. He hated the garage. Hated being reminded that he wasn’t normal. He was fourteen well fifteen on Saturday. He knew his dad was preparing him to know everything about his condition so he wouldn’t be helpless when dealing with the scientists. He hated the fact the scientists thought they owned him. He knew they would come for him on his eighteenth birthday. Why couldn’t they just leave him alone? “Yeah I’ll be there” he replied to his dad who was still standing in the doorway waiting for a response.



“Hey Jax that was a pretty cool trick” Margo said approaching him. She put a hand on his chest looking up at him through long lashes.

“Err thanks” he said taking a step backwards.

She gave him a flirty grin closing the gap between them “what’s the matter Jax? I don’t bite.” Her mouth was mere inches from his. He could smell the scent of flowers that reminded him of spring. He wanted to pull her close, he put a hand around her waist, eyes focused on her full soft lips….”

“Hey Jackson you coming?” James called from the skate ramp.

Coming to his senses Jackson pulled away from Margo “I’ve got to go.”


As he turned Margo grabbed his hand “wait” she bitter her lip coming up to him. She ran her tongue across her bottom lip enjoying the way Jackson’s green eyes followed it’s movements. “Don’t you want my number?”

He shook his head feeling dazed. He had known Margo since kindergarten. He never thought she even knew who he was. In a slight haze he handed her his phone and watched as she entered her digits. A part of him couldn’t believe this was really happening. He felt a hand come down on his shoulder looking behind him he found James glaring at Margo. “Don’t you already have a boyfriend?”

“What business is that of yours?” her blue eyes snapped cold as ice.

“Just looking out for my buddy” he told her slapping Jackson on the back.

Her eyes narrowed “sure Jimbo sure.”


James bristled “don’t call me that.”

Jackson swallowed, eyes darting from one to the other “cool it guys. We’re all friends right?” They eyed each other before nodding “yeah we’re friends.” James agreed stepping back.

Jackson gave him a questioning look. He heard something like disappointment in his friends voice and the slight slump in James’ shoulders indicated he wasn’t his usual happy go lucky self. Why would beng told they were friend be upsetting to him? Why would he be upset that Margo had given him her number? “Hey man we’re still skating right?” he asked turning to James.

“If you want,” James replied stalking off.

Watching him go Jackson turned back to Margo “sorry I’ve got to go.”


“Yeah wouldn’t want you to keep your boyfriend waiting,” she said tossing him back his phone.

Jackson stared at Margo as she walked off swaying her hips. Why would she say James was his boyfriend? They were just friends. He checked the time knowing he should be heading home. His dad would be waiting for him in the garage for another stimulating science lesson.



It was dark by the time Jackson entered the house. He looked up to find his dad waiting for him. He hesitated, a hand resting on the door knob. “Close the door son,” Tain told him his voice level and firm. Inwardly Jackson groaned as he followed his dad into the living room. “We need to talk,” Tain said turning to face his son arms crossed.

Shrugging Jackson knew his dad was angry. He could here it in his voice. It was too firm, too level.. It was the tone he used when dealing with the scientists. He sat down on the couch refusing to look at him.

“Where were you?” Tain asked letting his worry for his son take over.

“Out with friends” Jackson muttered.

“Is it the same friend you skipped school with?” he asked taking a deep breath before continuing “I don’t want you hanging out with that kid. He’s a bad influence.”


“Bad influence” Jackson shouted “he’s the only influence besides the people who live in this house. Why can’t I have friends? Why can’t I go on dates? Why do I have to learn science until I live, breath and dream in scientific equations? I never get to do anything I want to do.”

“I know this hasn’t been easy for you but that’s no excuse to skip school.”

Rolling his eyes Jackson stood up muttering “whatever.”

“We’re not finished yet,” Tain’s tone was enough to stop Jackson from leaving the room.

Turning Jackson scowled at his dad “I suppose you’re going to tell me I’m grounded.” He crossed his arms “my entire life has been nothing but one long punishment.”


“Do you think I enjoy this?” Tain shouted back “I’m doing this for your benefit.”

“My benefit that’s a laugh,” Jackson scoffed “the scientists haven’t done anything since I was eleven.”

“That doesn’t mean they’ve given up.”

“It’s been five years dad,” Jackson told him “I’m sixteen. After the mess they made over poisoning me…”

“That’s right son they pulled back because you were a kid. In two years you’ll be eighteen.” Tain walked towards him “that’s when they’ll be back. I won’t be able to protect you then.”



“What if I don’t want your protection?” Jackson shouted. He saw the hurt in his dad’s eyes but he was so tired of everything. He’s held it inside for years and it was a relief to let it out. “I want to have fun not be chained in a lab running experiments.”

“What do you think your life will be like once the scientists come for you?” Tain asked him.

“It’ll be no different then it is now,” Jackson shouted back running from the room.

His son’s words hit him like a physical blow. Blindly he groped for a nearby chair. Slumping into it he hung his head into his hands. He’d done the best he could in the eleven years since Sydney’s death. Had he pushed his son too far? He could hear Sydney’s voice in his head telling him Jackson didn’t understand. He came to the conclusion that it was time Jackson knew everything. Then he’d let Jackson decide what he wanted to do.



Coming into his son’s room Tain smiled upon finding his son on the floor his school books scattered open around him. “Can we talk?” he asked approaching him.

“I thought we just did,” Jackson said not moving concentrating on his homework.

“I want to tell you the real reason I push you so hard to learn so much science and about your condition…” Jackson looked up sharply at his father closing the book in his hands. “I made a promise to your mom that whoever had the genetic flaw would be given a choice…”

“A choice…what choice?” Jackson asked his voice full of skepticism.

Sitting on the floor facing his son Tain continued “your mom knew about the contract I signed. She did her best to change it. But nothing she or I did could change the fact the scientists could come for you on your eighteenth birthday.


“But you promised her that you would change it,” Jackson let his bitterness show in his voice “you lied to her…” he accused his dad. He didn’t know what hurt more. The fact his father lied or that his mother died believing his lies.

“I didn’t lie,” Tain told him looking him straight in the eyes “I devised a plan. One that would give you a choice once you knew everything I could teach you about your condition.”

“I…I don’t understand,” Jackson looked up. He saw the sincerity in his dad’s calm brown eyes and was comforted. “If the clause in the contract hasn’t been annulled then how do I have a choice?”

“Easy” Tain said reaching over to put a hand on his son’s shoulder “you leave before they come for you.”

“I…runaway” he repeated “are you serious?”


“I am” Tain nodded “it’s the only way son. The scientists are only biding their time until your of age. Once they take you I’ll have little to no say in what they do.”

“Will I be able to see you and the girls?” he asked.

“Probably not,” Tain shook his head “my guess is they’ll move you to a more secure facility…”

“So I’ll be a prisoner?”

“Pretty much…”


“If I leave. I won’t be able to be with you either.”

“I’m sorry son. It’s not a perfect plan. But it will give you a chance at a normal life.”

Looking at the floor hands shaking Jackson asked “why make me learn all this stuff if I’m not going to be with the scientists? What use will it be if I runaway?”

“Jackson you have a genius IQ. I have no doubts you can discover something to help yourself. You only required the basics and the knowledge to continue the work on your own….”

“Do you really think I can find a solution when the scientists can’t?” Jackson asked in awe as he realized the gift his dad had given him.


“I think it’s possible. You have the knowledge and the tools to continue the work,” Tain assured him “it might help future generations.”

Shaking his head “I’m not having kids. I don’t want to pass this on to anyone else.”

“I can understand that and that’s your decision to make,” Tain told him.

“When do I have to decide?” Jackson asked looking up at his dad. How could he have doubted him? Everything he’s done was for him. Giving him what he needed to know and stealing information from the lab so that he could be one step ahead of the scientists.

“Between now and your eighteenth birthday,” Tain told him standing up “When you’ve made up our mind I’ll tell you where you can find the money I have hidden for you. You won’t want for anything. Just promise me once you leave you never look back.”


“What about you and the girls? Won’t they try to hurt you to get to me?” Jackson asked not liking the idea of his family suffering because of him.

“Don’t worry about us. Once you leave the girls and I will move to China. My family there will protect us.”

“Can’t I go with you?” Jackson asked.

Sadly Tain shook his head “I wish you could son but the scientists would never give up trying to get you if they knew you were there. It’s better that they know exactly where we are so they can be watching us in the hopes of finding you. It’ll give you time to disappear.”

“But I’ll never see you again,” he felt panic and sadness envelop him like a heavy cloak. As much as he hated their smothering mother hen act and the science lessons he couldn’t imagine his life without them.


Tain pulled him close “you don’t have to decide now. If you need to talk I’m here. I’ll listen. I’ll give you what advise I can. Don’t ever forget how much I love you.”

Jackson nodded against his dad’s shoulder “I love you too dad.”

6 thoughts on “1.9 The Choice

  1. That couldn’t have been an easy decision on Tain’s part, but he is right to suggest it. At home, Jackson will be a sitting duck for these people. If he’s elsewhere, he has a chance of evading them!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It was a difficult decision but one Tain has done his best to prepare Jackson for. The final decision will be Jackson’s though and Tain will support him regardless. If he disappears and the scientists are watching Tain and the girls he has a better chance of disappearing. The bigger lead he has the better since he can cover up this tracks. It’s though that regardless of what Jackson decides he won’t be with his family. Thanks for reading and commenting!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I had a feeling that Jackson was going to reach the point of getting annoyed of people’s help. Which I can totally understand both sides of the coin. Twyla, Kayla, and Tain care for him, and since he’s the “sick” one, they treat him like a porcelain doll… Still… the situation stinks.

    I like how you are doing the “lose relationship with parent”, without actually losing relationship/becoming enemies. It stinks though, that Jackson is going to have to live life on the run… but it’s better than a life being treated like a science subject… like an it.

    Great chapter. Can’t wait to see what happens next!

    Liked by 1 person

    • The girls are over protective of their brother and they don’t want him doing anything where he might get hurt. Jackson feels a little smothered by them but he loves them and for the most part puts up with it. He wants to be treated like a normal kid and the brief time he gets to hang out with James skating is the only time he feels like a normal kid.
      I could have gone with Jackson rebelling against his dad and all the added pressure of learning science and chemistry besides going to school but it didn’t feel right. I wanted him to have a close relationship with his dad and sisters. Then I needed a reason for why Tain would tell his son to runaway before he turned 18 and protecting him from the scientists is a very good reason. The last chapter helped paint the picture of how ruthless the scientists as a whole are but for the most part Jackson’s gen should be relatively free of their presence. They may reappear in the the 3rd gen because I’ve got ideas for why the heir is unlucky in love. Thanks for reading and commenting!


  3. Scientists never give up…ever. But Jackson can hopefully stall and live a somewhat normal life. I’m not sure what Margo’s angle is. Does she show up again, or is she just so we can see the life Jackson wants?

    Liked by 1 person

    • The scientists will never give up. Tain is hoping to give his son the chance to have a somewhat normal life even if it means he never sees him again 😦 What makes you think Margo has an angle? I know you’ve already read the next chapter so you know what she is up to. Jackson’s dream would be to have the white picket fence along with a wife and kids. But life for him will never be normal 😦

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